23 de nov. de 2014


  • 2 xícaras de feijão cozido
  • 1 cebola pequena picada em cubinhos
  • 100 g de bacon picado em cubinhos
  • 3 dentes de alho picadinhos,
  • 1 xícara de cheiro verde picado (opcional salsão)
  • 1 gomo de linguiça calabreza cortada em rodelas
  • Farinha de mandioca crua
  • Orégano, sal e pimenta do reino a gosto
  • Óleo de milho ou soja


  1. Fritar a cebola, o alho, o bacon e a lingüiça em uma frigideira grande
  2. Junte o feijão, os temperos e o cheiro verde e por fim a farinha até dar o ponto desejado, mais cremoso ou mais sequinho
  3. Sirva quente com arroz branco e bisteca de porco.

Movie summary Breaking rules

Breaking rules as the name suggests Jake Taylor tells the story of a troubled teenager who feels responsible for the death of pai.Vai break all the rules after moving to Orlando to get away from confusion ends up getting in trouble worse when he finds in his Ryan McCarthy path. Aggressive Ryan discovers the troublemaker of fame Jake and want to give a lesson in beginner and for that use as bait his girlfriend in order to attract the young for a duel .At get her an ugly fight happens and Ryan of a beating Jake in front of everyone, recorded by mobile phone cameras. Jake now wants a rematch anyway. So search Jean Roqua (Djimon Hounsou), a teacher who will teach to shape your skills to Jake defeat the enemy. But he advises Jake that does not fight out of the academy and of course the rebel becomes involved in a street fight, being discovered by the coach who sees Jake's hand wound and throws him out of the academy. Jake sees his unprotected family and looking for the coach again and asks to go back and tells of the guilt he feels for the death of his father who died in a car drunk driving accident in which he did nothing to prevent. It also talks about the anger he feels every day of all and that the only place he feels no anger is when is training at the gym. The coach decides to take a chance and called Jake to train again. Jake tells everyone who will not fight in Beatdown. With much anger Ryan invites Max's best friend Jake to go to his house to show us blows and almost kills the boy then left unconscious in front of Jake's house that is very angry and out to get even with the villain. Goes to the club where will take place the most important fight of California and wins several catches a lot and is very hurt, but goes to the semi finals. Then give up and go away with the former Ryan's girlfriend. Dissatisfied Ryan goes after Jake and the handle betrayal then the fight begins and all that are in the tournament out of the club and go to the street-assist los.Depois to catch enough and have fans all against jake finally breaks the face of powerful Ryan and gets the blonde ex girlfriend macho. And starting from there happens to be respected and your life changes.

Dicas para acabar com o Chulé

  • Antes de dormir, à noite, prepare uma bacia com água morna e duas colheres de sopa de vinagre, mergulhe os pés, deixe por 10 minutos e deixe-os secarem ao natural. Após secos, calce meias de algodão. Essa receita só não pode ser feita em outro horário, ou seja, após essa imersão, não se podem calçar os sapatos, caso contrário, o cheiro será muito pior.
  • O chulé pode ser causado pela deficiência de zinco no organismo, pode-se acrescentar complementos à dieta ou consumir alimentos ricos em zinco, como: banana, maçã, abacaxi ou morango. A indicação é de 1 ou 2 porções dessas frutas ao dia.
  • higiene dos calçados é fundamental para evitar o chulé. Antes de usar calçados fechados, use o secador de cabelos para secá-los por dentro e aplique talco (pode ser de bebê) dentro de cada um;
  • lavar os pés com sabonete antibacteriano também ajudará, assim como lixá-los uma vez por semana para remover as células mortas.

Campeonato Brasileiro

G1 Globo Esporte

A festa está pronta e o Mineirão vai estar fervendo. Basta uma vitória do Cruzeiro sobre o Goiás, neste domingo, às 17h (de Brasília), para comemorar o tetracampeonato brasileiro, coroar a grande campanha do time na temporada e embalar para a decisão da Copa do Brasil, na quarta-feira, onde a equipe celeste precisa de reverter a vantagem de dois gols do rival para fechar o ano de 2014 com a Tríplice Coroa.
Depois de seis meses e 30 rodadas na liderança do Campeonato Brasileiro, o torcedor do Cruzeiro pode, finalmente, soltar o grito da garganta e confirmar o título neste domingo. Para isto, precisa vencer o Goiás. O cansaço pelo excesso de jogos na temporada fica para trás neste momento. É o que garantem os jogadores do Cruzeiro. Mesmo envolvido na final da Copa do Brasil, quarta-feira, Marcelo Oliveira vai mandar a campo o que tem de melhor. Com todos os ingressos vendidos antecipadamente, a Raposa espera uma grande festa no Mineirão, tendo consciência, é claro, de que precisa levar o jogo a sério para cumprir o objetivo de ser campeão.
A três rodadas do término da Série A, o Goiás tenta lutar contra a falta de motivação na reta final da competição. Mesmo vindo de duas derrotas, para Inter e Corinthians, o Alviverde é 12º colocado com 44 pontos e praticamente não corre risco de rebaixamento. Uma boa causa para jogar bem neste domingo é tentar estragar a festa do Cruzeiro e deixar um boa impressão diante do líder antes de começar a planejar 2015.
A TV Globo transmite o duelo no Mineirão para Minas Gerais, São Paulo (Santos) e Goiás. O restante do Brasil acompanha a partida pelo Premiere e PFC HD. O GloboEsporte.com acompanha todos os lances em tempo real, com vídeos, a partir das 15h.
HEADER escalacoes 690 (Foto: Infoesporte)

Cruzeiro: O Cruzeiro vai com força máxima para o jogo. Cinco titulares, que não começaram a partida com o Grêmio ou não jogaram, voltam ao time. São eles: Mayke, Egídio, Henrique, Lucas Silva, Willian e Marcelo Moreno. A Raposa vai de Fábio; Mayke, Léo, Bruno Rodrigo e Egídio; Henrique e Lucas Silva; Éverton Ribeiro, Ricardo Goulart e Willian; Marcelo Moreno

Goiás: Em busca de um time mais ofensivo, Ricardo Drubscky saca Esquerdinha e usa Samuel, voltando a implantar o esquema 4-4-2 em detrimento do 4-5-1 utilizado nas últimas rodadas. Com isso, Erik passa a ter um companheiro de ataque. Com a suspensão de Felipe Macedo, Tiago Real continua improvisado na lateral direita. Desgastado, o zagueiro Jackson é dúvida. Se não puder jogar, Alex Alves entra. A provável formação esmeraldina para enfrentar o Inter é: Renan; Tiago Real, Jackson (Alex Alves), Pedro Henrique e Felipe Saturnino; Amaral, David, Thiago Mendes e Ramon; Erik e Samuel.
HEADER quem esta fora 690 (Foto: Infoesporte)

Cruzeiro:  O lateral esquerdo Samudio e o volante Willian Farias estão suspensos, com três cartões amarelos. No departamento médico estão o goleiro Rafael, o volante Tinga e o meia Alisson. Ceará e Marquinhos, que foram substituídos no jogo contra o Grêmio ainda na primeira etapa, também não jogam.
Goiás: Felipe Macedo recebeu o terceiro cartão amarelo na última rodada e está suspenso. Léo Veloso tem fratura no pé esquerdo e só retorna no ano que vem. Juliano, Valmir Lucas e João Paulo se recuperam de cirurgia no joelho e também não jogam mais em 2014.
header pendurados 690 (Foto: arte esporte)

Cruzeiro: Alisson, Ceará, Dagoberto e Egídio

Goiás: Alex Alves, Amaral, Esquerdinha, Lima, Moisés, Samuel e Valmir Lucas



  • 1/2 xícara de chá de cenouras cortadas em cubos pequenos
  • 2 colheres sopa de óleo
  • 2 ovos
  • 1/2 xícara de chá de vagem picada
  • 1/2 xícara chá de presunto cortado em cubos pequenos
  • 1 xícara 1/2 chá de arroz
  • 2 tabletes de caldo de legumes
  • 2 colheres sopa de cebolinha picada
  1. Em uma panela, aqueça o óleo e refogue a cenoura, depois junte os ovos e mexe bem até fritá-los
  2. Acrescente a vagem, o presunto, o arroz e refogue tudo muito bem
  3. Despeje 3 xícaras de chá de água fervente e a seguir acrescente o caldo de legumes e mexa até que o caldo se dissolva completamente
  4. Abaixe o fogo e deixe cozinhar com a panela tampada por 20 minutos ou até secar a água
  5. Retire do fogo, tampe a panela e deixe por 5 minutos
  6. Depois misture a cebolinha e sirva a seguir

22 de nov. de 2014

Summary of Movie Monsters S.A

Movie Monsters Inc. tells the story of a monster company working scaring children and bottling their cries to turn them into energy. But as in the real world everything changes with time and the children do not more scared of the monsters on the super productions of horror films made by Hollywood. But the boss a kind of crab named Henry Waternoose insists on a limited business model changing the social culture. Waternoose (boss) has dedicated staff
the caliber of James Sullivan (purple monster horns) and
Mike Wazowski (green ball one-eyed) to maintain
level of production.
It all starts to unravel when a dishonest employee named Randall Boggs seeks to create a parallel business to increase the company's revenues and also achieve your goals every day. Randall kidnaps a child (this practice is prohibited by law) to suck her screams strength and increase revenues.
Accidentally James Sullivan (purple horns monster) discovers the ruse and
becomes attached to child kidnapped. And the film shows the super funny adventure purple monster to save her. All this confusion,
however, allows James Sullivan and Wazowski to deem
account that the company's business model is doomed to
failure and that their individual efforts to hit the
targets only postpone the bankruptcy of the company, but by no means
resolve the billing problem.
Amid the confusion the two realize that it is possible to have a
new more profitable business model and much less
painful. You need to reshape the company and change the very
ideal criterion? official? so that the company
recovers. The two discover that it is possible to obtain energy
through the smiles (the previous model was based on
cries) of children. That would be a breeze because given the
obsolescence of the monsters they provoked more laughs
which scared. What was the downside eventually became
an advantage (they were comic and produced easy laughs).
However, to use this opportunity
strategic would need to do an internal revolution. The company will work again after the management model is replaced by a more suitable to current reality.

Movie Summary A Knight's Tale

Director: Brian Helgeland

The film A Knight's Tale discusses various strategies and the importance of knowing form a good team, and show the need for action at the right time not to harm other people. Know when to back off and the time to face the challenge, as in the scene where challenges Prince Edward of England while all advise he gives up and gaining the respect and admiration of it. The understanding of the film depends on the purpose with which the viewer watched. The story may be novel, but if the goal is to view the strategies employed by the characters the novel is in the background.
   This film highlights social inequality in a time when wealth was predestined. The power that allowed the noble of the time to assert its strength even by the most corrupt means, illustrated in the scene where Count Adhemar put a tip on the spear to defeat him in the competition.
  The love for the young rich Jocelyn one reason for the dispute with the Count is also the weak point of the rider puts almost everything to lose to prove that love. The girl asks you to miss an important competition proving his love for her.
  Young William is a fearless squire despite being the son of a poor peasant dreams of being a great rider and his chance comes when his master Sir Ector, dies in a dispute between knights. William takes his place mounted with heavy armor covering the whole face hiding his identity.
  Young wins the tournament appointing friends as squires and begins to search for other tournaments of different nations. The problem will get a title of nobility is where there appears a young unemployed writer Chauncer, that in exchange for food and clothing riding a family tree to the false knight. In one of the tournament's armor young squire is badly damaged this calls for a smith, Kate, fix it, but have no money to pay it. The Ferreira immediately accepts the job, then it uses the argument that the other smiths the charge that as a woman does not exercise right the craft. Kate outraged by the offense of competitors accept help and make a revolutionary armor. From there Willian is with his team formed. A very funny movie moment is when the messenger Jocelyn wonder how will the clothes that the young will use the ball of the nobility so that your lady use a combination. Your friend sees the plight of the young woman looks at a green curtain with some wooden details and immediately imagine an outfit for the rider to reporting will be created as the William costume.
After so many sacrifices and pitfalls William wins tournaments and become champion, finds her blind father after so long, but followed by Adhemar your greatest enemy William is unmasked and nobles discover his true identity. The young man is sentenced to death and stoned by the same crowd applauding when the black Prince Edward strip it from the guillotine gives you Knight title.
   William Thatcher is free to compete and win Adhemar but does not kill you only finally uses the same phrase he heard from his rival Count Adhemar other times.
"You were measured, weighed, measured and found wanting" .To see more

Emagreça com chá de gengibre chá verde e laranja

Como fazer chá verde com gengibre e laranja Ingredientes 1 litro de água filtrada; 2 colheres de sopa de chá verde (melhor as fol...