22 de nov. de 2014

Movie Summary A Knight's Tale

Director: Brian Helgeland

The film A Knight's Tale discusses various strategies and the importance of knowing form a good team, and show the need for action at the right time not to harm other people. Know when to back off and the time to face the challenge, as in the scene where challenges Prince Edward of England while all advise he gives up and gaining the respect and admiration of it. The understanding of the film depends on the purpose with which the viewer watched. The story may be novel, but if the goal is to view the strategies employed by the characters the novel is in the background.
   This film highlights social inequality in a time when wealth was predestined. The power that allowed the noble of the time to assert its strength even by the most corrupt means, illustrated in the scene where Count Adhemar put a tip on the spear to defeat him in the competition.
  The love for the young rich Jocelyn one reason for the dispute with the Count is also the weak point of the rider puts almost everything to lose to prove that love. The girl asks you to miss an important competition proving his love for her.
  Young William is a fearless squire despite being the son of a poor peasant dreams of being a great rider and his chance comes when his master Sir Ector, dies in a dispute between knights. William takes his place mounted with heavy armor covering the whole face hiding his identity.
  Young wins the tournament appointing friends as squires and begins to search for other tournaments of different nations. The problem will get a title of nobility is where there appears a young unemployed writer Chauncer, that in exchange for food and clothing riding a family tree to the false knight. In one of the tournament's armor young squire is badly damaged this calls for a smith, Kate, fix it, but have no money to pay it. The Ferreira immediately accepts the job, then it uses the argument that the other smiths the charge that as a woman does not exercise right the craft. Kate outraged by the offense of competitors accept help and make a revolutionary armor. From there Willian is with his team formed. A very funny movie moment is when the messenger Jocelyn wonder how will the clothes that the young will use the ball of the nobility so that your lady use a combination. Your friend sees the plight of the young woman looks at a green curtain with some wooden details and immediately imagine an outfit for the rider to reporting will be created as the William costume.
After so many sacrifices and pitfalls William wins tournaments and become champion, finds her blind father after so long, but followed by Adhemar your greatest enemy William is unmasked and nobles discover his true identity. The young man is sentenced to death and stoned by the same crowd applauding when the black Prince Edward strip it from the guillotine gives you Knight title.
   William Thatcher is free to compete and win Adhemar but does not kill you only finally uses the same phrase he heard from his rival Count Adhemar other times.
"You were measured, weighed, measured and found wanting" .To see more

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