22 de nov. de 2014

Summary of Movie Monsters S.A

Movie Monsters Inc. tells the story of a monster company working scaring children and bottling their cries to turn them into energy. But as in the real world everything changes with time and the children do not more scared of the monsters on the super productions of horror films made by Hollywood. But the boss a kind of crab named Henry Waternoose insists on a limited business model changing the social culture. Waternoose (boss) has dedicated staff
the caliber of James Sullivan (purple monster horns) and
Mike Wazowski (green ball one-eyed) to maintain
level of production.
It all starts to unravel when a dishonest employee named Randall Boggs seeks to create a parallel business to increase the company's revenues and also achieve your goals every day. Randall kidnaps a child (this practice is prohibited by law) to suck her screams strength and increase revenues.
Accidentally James Sullivan (purple horns monster) discovers the ruse and
becomes attached to child kidnapped. And the film shows the super funny adventure purple monster to save her. All this confusion,
however, allows James Sullivan and Wazowski to deem
account that the company's business model is doomed to
failure and that their individual efforts to hit the
targets only postpone the bankruptcy of the company, but by no means
resolve the billing problem.
Amid the confusion the two realize that it is possible to have a
new more profitable business model and much less
painful. You need to reshape the company and change the very
ideal criterion? official? so that the company
recovers. The two discover that it is possible to obtain energy
through the smiles (the previous model was based on
cries) of children. That would be a breeze because given the
obsolescence of the monsters they provoked more laughs
which scared. What was the downside eventually became
an advantage (they were comic and produced easy laughs).
However, to use this opportunity
strategic would need to do an internal revolution. The company will work again after the management model is replaced by a more suitable to current reality.

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