25 de nov. de 2014

Movie Summary The Pursuit of Happyness

The movie The Pursuit of Happyness start many tears as it shows the sad reality of a man with serious financial problems, abandoned by his wife and having to create alone the 5 year old son. Chris Gardner is a seller of x-ray machines at the time were very expensive. He used to sell these machines in famous medical offices. Sales gets tough and he can not pay your bills and ends up being dumped. Alone with the son he goes to sleep in shelters, train stations, toilets anywhere to take refuge at night and face long lines to get a bowl of soup. Despite all the difficulties he's a very optimistic man and tries to find a way to improve their lives observing successful people around you and wishing this for you without envy them. Get a voluntary internship in a large company in the hope that the last stage of the period is hired.
When finally finished the stage he was called in the Administration area and the directors asked because he was scruffy and he said he was painting the house and had to come in a hurry. Another interesting point of the film is that despite all poverty he never let the people around you knew was not only complaining and even lent money for your future boss even when was the last in his pocket, because it considered this attitude as a investment.
As a reward for all his efforts he was hired by the company paid todadas their debts and bought a house. And eventually set up his own finaceira. This film is an example of overcoming and shows that it is often necessary that life put in one end so we can change strategy, because maybe if his wife had not abandoned it would still be that same seller failed before because the beginning of the film he takes the economies of the couple and invest in more machines, because he wanted that thing went well and often things are not the way we want. You need to change the strategy. Change is a matter of necessity in such cases and not option.

Cross Movie Summary

The Crusades created conditions for the revival of trade between the West and the East Mediterranean.
The film tells the adventures of a young blacksmith in the Middle Ages during the Crusades of the 12th century and those of his wife
A young blacksmith in Jerusalem becomes a knight and hope arises as to protect his people from explorers who lead the cross. He is invited to participate in the cross-imagining being able to pay your sins and those of his wife who committed suicide and had sent the severed head as the tradition.
The men who were part of the movement of the cross, went through many dangers killed during the journey and died and said to be by the will of God, believed that God determined the results of .Diziam battles fought by God but actually fought for wealth and land.
The film shows some customs of the time, for example, eat with your hands and take clothes bath. It also shows the Templars men who killed Arab ordered by Popes and hanged at the headquarters of the guard of Jerusalem.
Before dying Baldwin VI that was a leper and wore an iron mask, asks Bailian to marry his sister Sybilla and rule Jerusalem in place of Bill's Luzian Sebylla husband which Baldwin intended to eliminate it the way but the blacksmith refusing the proposal as a matter of principle. While I believe that God is no longer with him. After the death of King Baudouin his sister becomes queen and crown as king her husband Bill's Luzian. This gathers his army to face Saladin, a Muslim Kurdish military leader who became sultan of Egypt and Syria and led Islamic opposition to the European Crusaders in the Levant. At the height of his power, his dominion extended by Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and the Hijaz.
Before Gui Luzian from the rider advises the new king not to depart from Jerusalem, especially near the water with his troop to Jerusalem does not become unprotected, but Gui Luzian says he does not want advice from a blacksmith and share with the his army.
The rider form a new army resists the attacks of Saladin's troops, defending the people and get an agreement with Saladin to take his men, women, children, the elderly and the Queen City and yields Jerusalem. Before leaving gives you a horse and says "If God does not love you as it could have done what he did."
And so the fight went to the King's Crusade Richard the Lionheart that lasted 30 years

24 de nov. de 2014

Receita de Maionese


. 5 batatas sem casca, cozidas e em cubos
. 3 cenouras sem casca, cozidas e em cubos
. Sal, pimenta-do-reino branca moída e orégano a gosto
. 1 xícara (chá) de maionese

Modo de preparo

1. Numa tigela, misture a batata e a cenoura. Tempere com sal e pimenta.
2. Adicione a maionese e mexa. Polvilhe o orégano e leve à geladeira até o momento de servir

Receita de Camarão


Serve: 4 

  • 3 dentes de alho picados
  • 2 colheres (sopa) de manteiga
  • 1 maço de salsinha picado
  • 500 g de camarão sem casca
  • Suco de 1/2 limão
  • 5 colheres (sopa) de vinho branco seco
  • Sal e pimenta a gosto

Modo de preparo

Preparo:15mins  ›  Pronto em:15mins 

  1. Refogue o alho na manteiga com a salsinha por cerca de 3 minutos.
  2. Junte o camarão e refogue por 3-4 minutos. Adicione o suco de limão, o vinho, sal, pimenta e refogue por mais 1 ou 2 minutos antes de servir
  3. Pode fazer um macarrão no alho e óleo e jogar o camarão sobre ele fica muito bom.

23 de nov. de 2014


  • 2 xícaras de feijão cozido
  • 1 cebola pequena picada em cubinhos
  • 100 g de bacon picado em cubinhos
  • 3 dentes de alho picadinhos,
  • 1 xícara de cheiro verde picado (opcional salsão)
  • 1 gomo de linguiça calabreza cortada em rodelas
  • Farinha de mandioca crua
  • Orégano, sal e pimenta do reino a gosto
  • Óleo de milho ou soja


  1. Fritar a cebola, o alho, o bacon e a lingüiça em uma frigideira grande
  2. Junte o feijão, os temperos e o cheiro verde e por fim a farinha até dar o ponto desejado, mais cremoso ou mais sequinho
  3. Sirva quente com arroz branco e bisteca de porco.

Movie summary Breaking rules

Breaking rules as the name suggests Jake Taylor tells the story of a troubled teenager who feels responsible for the death of pai.Vai break all the rules after moving to Orlando to get away from confusion ends up getting in trouble worse when he finds in his Ryan McCarthy path. Aggressive Ryan discovers the troublemaker of fame Jake and want to give a lesson in beginner and for that use as bait his girlfriend in order to attract the young for a duel .At get her an ugly fight happens and Ryan of a beating Jake in front of everyone, recorded by mobile phone cameras. Jake now wants a rematch anyway. So search Jean Roqua (Djimon Hounsou), a teacher who will teach to shape your skills to Jake defeat the enemy. But he advises Jake that does not fight out of the academy and of course the rebel becomes involved in a street fight, being discovered by the coach who sees Jake's hand wound and throws him out of the academy. Jake sees his unprotected family and looking for the coach again and asks to go back and tells of the guilt he feels for the death of his father who died in a car drunk driving accident in which he did nothing to prevent. It also talks about the anger he feels every day of all and that the only place he feels no anger is when is training at the gym. The coach decides to take a chance and called Jake to train again. Jake tells everyone who will not fight in Beatdown. With much anger Ryan invites Max's best friend Jake to go to his house to show us blows and almost kills the boy then left unconscious in front of Jake's house that is very angry and out to get even with the villain. Goes to the club where will take place the most important fight of California and wins several catches a lot and is very hurt, but goes to the semi finals. Then give up and go away with the former Ryan's girlfriend. Dissatisfied Ryan goes after Jake and the handle betrayal then the fight begins and all that are in the tournament out of the club and go to the street-assist los.Depois to catch enough and have fans all against jake finally breaks the face of powerful Ryan and gets the blonde ex girlfriend macho. And starting from there happens to be respected and your life changes.

Dicas para acabar com o Chulé

  • Antes de dormir, à noite, prepare uma bacia com água morna e duas colheres de sopa de vinagre, mergulhe os pés, deixe por 10 minutos e deixe-os secarem ao natural. Após secos, calce meias de algodão. Essa receita só não pode ser feita em outro horário, ou seja, após essa imersão, não se podem calçar os sapatos, caso contrário, o cheiro será muito pior.
  • O chulé pode ser causado pela deficiência de zinco no organismo, pode-se acrescentar complementos à dieta ou consumir alimentos ricos em zinco, como: banana, maçã, abacaxi ou morango. A indicação é de 1 ou 2 porções dessas frutas ao dia.
  • higiene dos calçados é fundamental para evitar o chulé. Antes de usar calçados fechados, use o secador de cabelos para secá-los por dentro e aplique talco (pode ser de bebê) dentro de cada um;
  • lavar os pés com sabonete antibacteriano também ajudará, assim como lixá-los uma vez por semana para remover as células mortas.

Emagreça com chá de gengibre chá verde e laranja

Como fazer chá verde com gengibre e laranja Ingredientes 1 litro de água filtrada; 2 colheres de sopa de chá verde (melhor as fol...